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Preferred Sample Type

Bacteriological screening for GBS (Group B Streptococci)

Turnaround Time

3 days

Sample Stability

Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
Store at 2-8 C if there is any delay in transport.

Bacteriological screening for GBS (Group B Streptococci)

General Information

This is a referred test which is sent to Birmingham Children’s Hospital. This test should only be requested for pregnant ladies when the following criteria are met:
1.GBS was detected in a previous pregnancy 2.The option of Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis or bacteriological screening for GBS has been discussed with the patient. 3.The patient has chosen to have bacteriological screening for GBS.
This is in accordance with National Guidelines (Hughes et al, Green-top Guideline No. 36. BJOG 2017; 124:e280-e305). Please note that universal routine GBS screening is late pregnancy is not available, as per National recommendations.

Patient Preparation

 A single swab taken from the vagina and then anorectum using a pink topped Copan Eswab.

Bacteriological screening for GBS should be undertaken at 35-37 weeks of gestation or 3-5 weeks prior to the anticipated delivery date, e.g. 32-34 weeks of gestation for women with twins.



  • EQA Scheme?: No