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Receiving a Blood Transfusion

Receiving a blood transfusion is like all medical treatments, a blood transfusion should only be used when really necessary. The decision to give a blood transfusion to a patient is made only after careful consideration. In making that decision your doctor will balance the risk of you having a blood transfusion against the risk of you not having one. Ask your doctor to explain why you need a transfusion, as there may be alternative treatments available.

Read more: Receiving a Blood Transfusion

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Location of Solihull Hospital Pathology




Solihull Hospital
Lode Lane
B91 2JL

Phone: 0121 424 2000
Fax: 0121 424 2200

Solihull Hospital is in Lode Lane in the town centre. It is within easy access of Junction 5 M42, the A41, Warwick Road and A34, Stratford Road.

solihull sitemap

Bus No's: 169 to Heartlands Hospital also numbers 4, 6, 30, 37, 39, 41A, 41C, 57, 57A, 69,  71, 72, 76, 192, 671, 672 all stop within 5 minutes walking distance of the Hospital.

Solihull train station is approximately 1 mile away from the hospital.

Plan a route using the AA route planner (our post code is B91 2JL)


Car parking is available at both Heartlands & Solihull hospitals however at times spaces are limited.
for up to date charges see here

Reduced rates are available for three and seven day parking passes.

Registered disabled drivers displaying a valid blue badge may park free of charge. Patients on income support can park free of charge but this must be verified in advance with the parking office.

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Completion of Request Forms

All tests should, if possible, be requested on the standard request forms. Please take the extra time to furnish clinical details, registration data and hazard information. This assists quicker and safer processing and more accurate interpretation of laboratory data. If it is likely that the volume available at venepuncture will be limited, please contact the laboratory before phlebotomy to discuss the absolute minimum required to perform the requested tests. In addition further information is available  in the investigations database on the web site.

Read more: Completion of Request Forms

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Laboratory Hours


A 24 hour service, 7 days a week is offered at Heartlands and Good Hope.  A shift system operates outside of normal working hours.  At Solihull a 09:00 - 17:00 service is offered from Monday – Friday. 

The Specialist Chemistry and Toxicology laboratory at Heartlands is open 08:00 - 18:00.


The Regional Immunology service is performed at Heartlands, Monday - Friday from 09:00 - 17:00.


A 24 hour service, 7 days a week is offered at Heartlands and Good Hope.  A shift system operates outside of normal working hours.  At Solihull a 09:00 - 17:00 service is offered from Monday – Friday. 

The laboratory at Heartlands and Good Hope can be contacted through the switchboard at Heartlands outside of normal working hours..


A diagnostic Histopathology/Cytopathology service is provided at Heartlands and Good Hope Hospital 08:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday. Services are also available at Heartlands hospital on Saturday from 9:00 - 12:30 (restricted Histology service for urgent cases only).


Microbiology and Virology services are performed by Public Health England (PHE). All investigations take place at the Heartlands site which offers an 07:00- 20:00 service Monday - Friday. The service is also provided Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 08:00-16:00. Beyond these times an  'on call' service is available via Heartlands switchboard.



·          Everyday 07:00 - 21:30


·         Monday to Friday 07:00 - 21:30

·         Saturday and Bank Holidays (except Christmas Day) 08:30 - 16:00

·         Christmas Day 08:00 - 13:00


·         Solihull reception is open 9:00h - 17:00h Monday to Friday

·         Closed on Saturdays, Sunday and Bank Holidays

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Add on tests

Add On Tests General Criteria and Information 

All add on tests must be on samples taken from the patient in the previous 72 hours

Procedure for requesting Add-On Tests Electronically

  1. Using i-Care, medical staff should select the patient for whom they wish to add-on a test.

  2. Expand the ‘Services’ folder on the left hand side of the screen and click on the link:

  3. View/create Pathology add on test

  4. If any add on tests have already been requested they will be listed here.

  5. Click the add new test link in the top right hand corner.

  6. Complete the form: date of sample, time of sample and test(s) are mandatory fields.

  7. Once the form  is complete click the Submit button.

Read more: Add on tests

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