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Urgent GP request process for biochemistry, immunology, toxicology and haematology


  1. Telephone the laboratory on 0121 424 2252 or 0121 424 1185 and inform staff that an urgent sample is on its way. Please include the patient’s NHS number, name, date of birth, where is sample is arriving from, which tests are required and indicate on the form that the sample is urgent. If possible also give an indication of when the sample will arrive
  2. Staff in the laboratory will record this information in the “Urgent GP Request form” (document code) CIT.F010 located on a clipboard in the hot cell area of specimen reception
  3. Book a courier to transfer the sample from the GP Practice to Heartlands Hospital, Biochemistry department. Urgent samples can be transported with the routine courier service however please be aware this may result in delay
  4. If the urgent sample is transported alongside routine work, please ensure that it is easily identifiable ie in an envelope marked “Urgent
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