Requesting additional tests (Haematology)

Written by Craig Webster on .

Add-on Tests

Any addtional test requests should be made to the laboratory within the following time scales:-

Citrate Tube




Citrate samples within 4 hours of venepuncture




EDTA samples within 24 hours (requests for Haemoglobinopathy screening can be made upto 72 hours from venepuncture)

Heartlands/Solihull Hospital - Additional tests may also be performed on previously received specimens if sufficient is available in storage and the sample is within the time scale indicated above.. For Hospital users of the service please use the electronic add on system. External users of the service should contact the relevant department to discuss if an add on test is possible.

Good Hope Hospital -  All requests for add on tests on inpatients should be made using a request form. External users of the service should contact the relevant department to discuss if an add on test is possible.