Haemoglobinopathy Screening

Written by Mark Hill on .

Screening for thalassaemia and variant haemoglobins (such as Sickle haemoglobin) is performed within the Haematology laboratory at Heartlands Hospital for all Trust sites and GP's. Patients may require haemoglobinopathy testing as part of ante-natal screening or pre-operative assessment.

Requests should be made on a Haematology request form and sent with a 4ml EDTA sample for analysis. We are unable to reflex haemoglobinopathy screening on suspected full blood counts results without a request. Ante-natal requests should be accompanied with a Family Origin Questionnaire.

Occasionally samples are referred to Central Middlesex Hospital, London or John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford for confirmation of new or unusual variants or for alpha thalassaemia testing.

For further information or advice please contact the laboratory on extension 40198 or check the Test Database.

haematology, specialist testing