Pathology Supplies

Written by Craig Webster on .

Pathology Supplies. Test Request forms, phlebotomy supplies and specimen pots are available from Laboratory Medicine Stores.

Gp Surgeries can also email supply requests or ask any supply related queries by emailing 

Heartlands and Solihull Hospital

We are unable to accept telephoned orders on either site.

Wards and departments are requested to use the attached requisition form and return it to Laboratory Medicine Reception at either Heartlands or Solihull. 

Every effort will be made to have supplies ready for collection within 24 hours. The specimen porter on both sites will deliver completed orders to those wards they cover for routine specimen collection. Download form here.

General Practices are requested to order their supplies monthly via the courier using the attached requisition form. Supplies will be delivered by courier during the week of the month assigned to the practice. Download the form here.

Please ensure sufficient supplies are ordered for the whole month.

While we will endeavour to fulfil interim orders if there is an urgent need for supplies this cannot be guaranteed.

Stock control and storage conditions are the responsibility of each ward, department and practice once supplies have been despatched. Information relating to storage conditions is provided regularly.

Please return any unused supplies approaching expiry to Laboratory Medicine Reception as these can be redistributed to avoid waste.

Good Hope Hospital

Printed request forms and sample/specimen containers are issued from Laboratory Medicine Stores (ext 47727). Supplies on wards are checked and restocked once a week. General Practices are requested to order their supplies via    

Out of date (expired) specimen containers

Out of date specimen containers must not be used. Samples received in out of date containers will not be processed. Stocks of your specimen containers should be rotated to ensure that containers with the shortest shelf life are used first. Containers nearing their expiry date should be returned to the Pathology Department for replacement with new containers.