Separation Sciences (Clinical Chemistry)

Separation Sciences is part of the Department of Specialist Testing and has specilists working in the clinical speciality of Clinical Chemistry providing a number of services including:
- Investigation of Pheochromocytoma
- Investigation of Vitamin D deficiency
- Investigation of Carcinoid Syndrome
- Measurement of plasma homocystiene
- Renin and Aldosterone measurements
- Thiopurine Methyl Transferase (TPMT) measurements
- Prednisolone spot and absorption tests for the investigation of prednisolone resistance or compliance
- Measurement of Testosterone by LC/MSMS in females
Separation Sciences use LC/MSMS and other chromatographic techniques as well as providing Radioimmunoassays for Renin and Aldosterone.
Clinical Advice and Further information about the tests we offer can be obtained from:
- Craig Webster, Consultant Clincal Scientist
- Joanne Duffy, Principal Clinical Scientist
- Rachel Henderson, Senior Clinical Scientist
We have extensive research experience and have developed a number of bespoke one off assays for various analytes (e.g dexamethasone) and offer collaborative research assay development.
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