Clinical Advice and Test Interpretation (Haematology)

Written by Craig Webster on .

The clinical service is consultant-led and available on a 24-hour basis to hospital clinicians and GPs.

For the clinical interpretation or advice of any haematology test results please contact the on-call SpR or Consultant via switchboard - 0 from an internal telephone or 0121 424 2000 if phoning from outside of the Trust.

Please click on the link for the following guidance

GP Investigation and Referral Pathways for Leucocytes, Platelets and Polycythaemia

Investigation and Referral Pathways for Anaemia in Primary Care

Investigation of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinurea

Diagnostic algorithm for investigation of possible Gaucher’s disease in adults

Criteria for Referral to Haematology

Criteria for telephoning critical haematology results


haematology, clinical advice